Balanced Counselling & Therapy


Online Therapy Services



Welcome to Balanced Counselling & Therapy, where we offer comprehensive online counseling services tailored to adults, couples, and families seeking support and guidance. Whether you’re navigating personal challenges, relationship issues, or family dynamics, our dedicated team is here to provide compassionate and effective therapy to help you find balance, healing, and fulfillment in your life.



How I Can Help

Couples Counseling

Assisting couples in reaching a healthier and more fulfilling stage in their relationship. Sometimes relationships are hard. Most people who start couples counseling feel stuck repeating the same negative patterns within the relationship, typically with communication.

Depression & Anxiety

Depression commonly manifests physically, through stomach pains, headaches, disrupted or excessive sleep, and motor control difficulty. While the causes of depression are unknown, a predisposition for it runs in families and it can be triggered by trauma and adverse life circumstances. 

Family Counselling

Is your family experiencing a tough time? Whether it’s due to a lack of understanding among family members, conflicts between siblings, or disagreements related to child development, challenging situations can impact the entire family.

Hello, I’m Sarah

I’m a dedicated therapist with a passion for helping individuals, couples, and families navigate life’s challenges. 

Based in Paris and online, I’m committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their emotions, improve communication, and foster healthier relationships.

With a warm and nonjudgmental approach, I empower my clients to overcome obstacles, build resilience, and create meaningful change in their lives.

Outside of my work, I enjoy spending time with my loved ones, exploring nature, and indulging in my creative pursuits.

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1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 94220

(255) 352-6258

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